Cancer Awareness
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Cankids Scholarship Program

enabling children and families faced with cancer
(A unit of Indian Cancer Society, Delhi Branch)
D7/7 (Basement) Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057, INDIA
Ph : (91) 11 41663670/1/2 Mobile: (91) 9811525745
e-mail: Web:

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We are writing to you to request your help with our Cankids Scholarship Program for children with cancer who either have survived the disease or are undergoing treatment, with the aim to recognize and appreciate their indomitable courage and spirit and also to motivate and encourage those children who have fought cancer and emerged as winners.

You may be aware that CANKIDS….KIDSCAN is a family support group for children with cancer and their families in India, providing a full range of support services from moment of diagnosis, through treatment and after, into survivorship, palliation or bereavement.

Scholarships are being awarded in five categories,

a. Cankids…KidsCan Scholarship for Academic Excellence: junior level (class 1 to 6),
b. Cankids…KidsCan Scholarship for Academic Excellence: senior level (class 7 to 12),
c. K.K. Mehta Cankids Scholarship for Excellence in Sports
d. Prem Nath Bagai Cankids Scholarship for Creative Arts/ Music
e. Kalavati Shanta Anup Kumar for Creative Writing and Authorship

The Scholarships are a cash award for Rs 7500/ and a trophy.

Children who have survived cancer or those undergoing treatment, are invited to fill in the forms attached and submit them with the required documents (as listed for the different categories). Last date for submitting the forms will be 30th June.

A panel of eminent educationists will form part of the process of selection and a formal award ceremony will be organized to present the scholarships. The scholarships will be announced on 15th of August 08 in Delhi.

We would like to request your support in encouraging children who you think may be worthy of these awards to apply.

We would appreciate if you could spend little bit of your valuable time by referring deserving children for the scholarships and join us in appreciating and honoring children with cancer
I am attaching the poster and the scholarship registration form. We would request you to put up the poster in your clinic/hospital, encourage children you believe are deserving and could compete for the scholarship to apply. If you could give us their names and contacts. we would be happy to contact themselves ourselves.

Thanking you

Poonam Bagai, President, Cankids...Kidscan
D 7/7 Vasant Vihar New Delhi-110057
Mob: +91 9811525745 Off: +91 11-41663670/71/72


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posted by Bhavya @ 10:20 PM   0 comments
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