Cancer Awareness
Friday, January 11, 2008
ACS Report on Global Cancer Death Rate
Dear Friends,

I am transmitting it just in case it has not come to your attention. Below is the link to the Report:

I consider that it has immense utility to effectively implement the advocacy of cancer control in your respective regions.

Also, please do consider its utility as a telecast brief or a press note in the local media to heighten the public awareness and to seek its support to your initiatives.

Your feedback regarding its coverage through the local media to the Society shall be much appreciated.

You are welcome to seek any clarification.

With best regards,
Dr. Rakesh
Dr. Rakesh Gupta, MS, FAIS,
Consultant (India),
Cancer Control Strategies- Workplaces,
American Cancer Society,
B- 113, 10 B Scheme, Gopalpura Byepass,
Jaipur. Pin 302 018. India.
T & F). 91-141-2763135;
Mobile- 91-93516 24313
skype) dr.Rakeshgupta


Andrew Becker

American Cancer Society

Phone: 212-237-3899




December 17, 2007

New American Cancer Society Report Predicts

Increase in Global Cancer Cases and Deaths

“Global Cancer Facts & Figures” Cites Increasing Tobacco Use, Adoption of Western Diets in Developing Countries Among Causes

ATLANTA, December 17, 2007—A new American Cancer Society report estimates that there will be more than 12 million new cancer cases and 7.6 million cancer deaths (about 20,000 cancer deaths per day) worldwide in 2007. The estimate comes from the inaugural edition of Global Cancer Facts & Figures, the latest addition to the American Cancer Society’s family of Facts & Figures publications. The report estimates that 5.4 million cancer cases and 2.9 million deaths (53%) will occur in economically developed countries, while 6.7 million cases and 4.7 million deaths (70%) will occur in economically developing countries. These projections were calculated by applying the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Globocan 2002 cancer incidence and mortality estimates to population demographic trends reported by the United Nations.

In economically developed countries, the three most commonly diagnosed cancers in men are prostate, lung, and colorectal cancer. Among women, they are breast, colorectal, and lung cancer. In contrast, the three most commonly diagnosed cancers in economically developing countries are cancers of the lung, stomach, and liver in men, and cancers of the breast, cervix uteri, and stomach in women. In both economically developed and developing countries, the three most common cancers are also the three leading causes of cancer death.

In developing countries, two of the three leading cancers in men (stomach and liver) and in women (cervix and stomach) are related to infection. Approximately 15 percent of all cancer cases worldwide are infection-related, with the percentage of cancers related to infection about three times higher in developing than in developed countries.

“The burden of cancer is increasing in developed countries as deaths from infectious diseases and childhood mortality decline and more people live to older ages when cancer most frequently occurs,” said Ahmedin Jemal, PhD, American Cancer Society epidemiologist and co-author of the report. “Developing countries are facing a ‘double burden’ as cancers due to infectious agents remain a problem while people are also increasingly adopting ‘western’ sedentary lifestyles with higher consumption of tobacco, saturated fat and calorie-dense foods, reduced physical activity, and changing reproductive patterns.”

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates that in 2002 there were approximately 24.6 million people (2.46 crores) worldwide who had been diagnosed with cancer in the past five years. Survival rates for many cancers are lower in economically developing countries than in developed countries largely due to the unavailability or inaccessibility of early detection and treatment services. For example, the five-year breast cancer survival rate in the U.S. is approximately 81 percent but in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is only 32 percent.

Special Section: The Tobacco Pandemic

The publication includes a special section on tobacco, the leading preventable cause of death worldwide. An estimated five million people worldwide died from tobacco use in the year 2000. Of these deaths, about 30 percent (1.42 million) were due to cancer, with 850,000 lung cancer deaths (~60%) alone. Globally, tobacco was responsible for about 100 million deaths (10 crores) during the 20th century, and it is projected to kill more than 1 billion (100 crores) people in the 21st century, with the great majority of these deaths occurring in developing countries. The report notes that halting the rapid spread of tobacco consumption in developing countries is an urgent global health priority.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 84 percent of the smokers in the world live in countries with a developing or transitional economy. In China alone, there are 350 million smokers, more than the entire population of the U.S.

If current smoking prevalence patterns continue, there will be two billion smokers worldwide by the year 2030, half of whom will die of smoking-related diseases.

The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by saving lives, diminishing suffering and preventing cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. Founded in 1913 and with national headquarters in Atlanta, the Society has 13 regional Divisions and local offices in 3,400 communities, involving millions of volunteers across the United States. For more information anytime, call toll free 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit

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posted by Bhavya @ 4:30 PM  
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